Saturday, 20 September 2014

why beggars????

Beggars of all ages-young and old can be seen everywhere across the globe and Bhutan is not an exception. So do we sometimes bother to ask ourselves why there are beggars?? Are they to be blamed or not?? Are they responsible for their deeds?? These are the certain questions that we should ask ourselves and find answers to those questions. We can't simply blame them without knowing anything about them.None of us will know what are their problems and what prompted them to be the beggars. We should also feel guilty and shameful when we see some of our people begging because it shows how negligent and ignorant are we towards our poor sections of the societies. Even the government is responsible for that. The government should look after the well being of the marginalized societies and strive towards lifting up those poor sections of the country. We know nobody wants to be a beggar. They must not have even dreamed of becoming a beggar. They must have been obliged by some circumstances.

On contrary those beggars should be shameful more than us. They should think over the life they are living and ask themselves," Why we are only the beggars among the millions and millions of people?" Is that they do because they are left only with that choice or because they wanted to live an easy life by cadging from others without working by themselves?? It is hard to know their intentions. If they had been  obliged by certain circumstances I feel that they can overcome it if they are really dedicated to their lives. Let me share one true story from which we will find one reason for why do people beg.

Shila Ghosh is a 83 year old women who lives at Pali in West Bengal. Every day she commutes from her place to Kolkata to sell her fries. She travels afar by bus. The pedestrians out of respect and sympathy buy the fries from her. After the death of her only son due to cancer, she works tirelessly despite her old age. She earns around 400 rupees daily but it isn't adequate for her family of four. Circumstances could have obliged her to beg but her dignity and respect is everything for her, she says she would work till the end of  her life rather than begging on the streets. She has chosen to solve her problems on her own as it said.'God helps those who help themselves"

So, I wonder while such an old lady can work for her family, why can't others????? It explicitly indicates that beggars are bother-less about their lives and they are just as lazy as local pigs. If they have self-esteem like this old woman then they will also work for their own livings. So I think those beggars should put a big question mark whenever they beg for something. They are simply worse than the animals..Even the animals know how to earn their livings. So I feel that it is our responsibility to help them come out of beggary lives to the standard living styles. We need not give them money or clothes, Just try to alter their mindsets and make them realize their own mistakes. if we can take our own shares of responsibility towards reducing the number of beggars than I think one day our world will have very less beggars. Lets join our hands and work towards making a beggar-free world.