But a question rises here. Are we not wearing a false mask?? For me it seems so. In actuality or in real sense, not many people have hearts for our animals. People talk so much about sparing the lives of animals and letting them live a happy life like we the humans desire but majority of the people are not able to desist eating meats.
As a Buddhism practitioner, we all believe in the karmic link and we have a strong conviction that all animals would have been once our parents. yet such commandments do not seem to reach the hearts of so many people. I also heard that there are some people who can't take their meals without meat. I wonder what kind of people they are!
Moreover, animals have become an important part of business where millions of them are being slaughtered for sale. This vividly exudes the true nature of us, the humans. Sometimes I think that we can be also called the"human devils," because only the devils will eat fleshes and drink bloods.
It is also a thing to be mulled over when our country,Bhutan, a religious country, becomes one of the highest meat importers. Further more, it seems that our government is on its way towards setting up meat-processing units in the country. It was a dire news for me. I can see a total contradiction between being a Buddhist and the way we practice.
Anyway lets be hopeful that nothing bad comes out of their decisions and jeopardize the peace and harmony of our country and the people. More importantly, let us prove that we are the true followers of the Buddha, that our country and the people within it are all noble-minded and that we put all the sentient beings at high respect. All in all, let us be a true Buddhist.
Thank you.