Sunday, 5 April 2015

life is undefinable...

Firstly I beg for forgiveness from my blogger friends and my dear blog for not being able to keep in touch with you all for quite a long time. I have been simply busy bumming around. I could not bring myself into the right track of life. At times I feel like going insane with vague thoughts. So with my getting back to blogger world, I want to share with you all what I have realized about the life.

If asked everyone,the definition of life, I am pretty sure that I can publish even a
book on just the meaning of life. Because life holds different meaning for different people, nobody can't articulate precisely like scientific terms and laws. Different tongues will taste the same food in different ways. So life has no definite meaning.

'Life is so precious. Don't waste your precious life. Do something meaningful in your precious life,' most of us used to say such things. But now I wonder why we have to unnecessarily mention the word "'PRECIOUS"' I realized that the word"Precious" exists just in the dictionary but not in our lives. Realistically nobody's life is precious. Everyone suffers in our own ways.

Our fates are different. Our faiths are different. So accordingly we live our lives the way we are destined. But one thing is for sure that nothing is permanent in this samsaric world. Life is a circling chain of suffering, happiness, sorrows, success and failures. Nobody gets to enjoy the eternal happiness and success neither the failures and sorrows.

No matter whether we are somebodies or nobodies. No matter whether we are opulent or penniless. One day we will have to pass through the same path- a path of death. It is just a matter of time. That time we all will go empty handed. So there is no meaning in amassing the heap of wealth. What is there in having mansions and pricy assets because once we step out of our homes or places we have to rely on other's shelters and properties. We can't carry with us like a snail carries its shell wherever it goes.

Therefore, knowing the true nature of life, it is always better to be contented with what we have and who we are. Only then our lives will be worth living. Now I wrap up with the best wishes for you all. Live your life in a way it should be lived. Have a great life ahead. Take care..:) :) :)



  1. the eternal happiness can be only achieved after enlightenment and dedicating our own life for the well being of other people.the pure compassion born only from the Buddha's mind.SO,we have to practice what Buddha had taught long years ago.Then only our life is precious and on the way to Nirvana.The thing is we should care our complicated mind.Just make it simple,BE kind.if heart is soft,then we are soft.If mind is kind,then we are kind.

  2. thanks bro..for the supplements....I appreciate it....

  3. Wonderful piece! Love your expressions. Happy Weekend. Take Care!
