Tuesday, 27 January 2015


 Experience is not just a knowledge about something. It encompasses ideas, skills, tactics, practical knowledge and knack of performing something related to our fields and various aspects of our lives and obligations. Especially in today's era, it has become the decisive determinant of our lives and careers. Without it we are just like a cripple who remains confined to his bed leading a grey existence. In the same manner if we don't have any experience, we are less likely to getting recruited because in this age of our generations, every job, be it a big or small, demands our experiences. And this is what deters most of today's youth from obtaining the jobs.

But the questions here are: Is this totally a fault of youth? Is this a weakness of youth? is this a fate of youth? From my own point of view, the answer is undeniably 'No' because every one of us has our own talents, skills, knack, capabilities etc... The only thing is not every one acquires a privilege to showcase and prove his/her worthiness. There is nothing we can't do if we really are allotted to do something. All we need is will and patience. Besides, our minds and brains are incredibly adaptable and together they will play miracles in our lives.

Our government raises an issue of unemployment in our country and always talks on working towards resolving this issue but they talk more and do less. Besides they don't realize that they contribute to it. What I feel is that it is because of the government's policies and also of other employers' policies that many youth remain jobless. Youth are not solely responsible for the increasing unemployment rate. Government is also equally responsible for it and should take the same criticisms as youth. You can ask me why???

The response from me will be simply because of their setting of  experience as a first prerequisite for those job-seekers who are mostly the youth. It is foolishness of the employers and government to give jobs based on experience. How can one have experiences without getting into the real field and start working? Experience requires self-involvement. We don't get  experience by doing nothing or by judging others doing. From others' actions we will merely get ideas and techniques and when we put that idea and techniques into action, then we get experience.

Therefore, our government has to understand that  experience is not an inborn trait of human beings. It is acquired as we grow up and get exposed to different facets of our lives. So, it is their mistake to give jobs only to those who have good experiences. And this is what makes me disheartened, hopeless and resentful at the same time because this single thing ruins the lives of many.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

love and relationship.....

Today in my stuffy and cozy  room as I idly lay in my bed, so many different thoughts strike into my mind which I ultimately came to a realization that today's youth have a good number of issues other than the unemployment issue. Of all the issues like substance abuses, gang fights, thefts, unemployment so on and so forth, the most striking issues what I feel is the relationship issues among today's youth.

I undoubtedly reckon that majority of today's youth especially the students are very much obsessed with love and relationship than their future career and parents. Facebook has now become a universal dairy where everyone jots down all kinds of status and information. Mostly I can see relationship status where some being engaged, some being married, some being broken up, some being into new relationship, so on and on. I am pretty sure that there will be only a very few youth who are diligent, futuristic, opportunistic, optimistic and thoughtful and rest will be just a creator of their own setbacks and least bothered about their lives.

Love is deemed to be the precious gift of life and also believe that life devoid of love is meaningless. Yes, I also consent with it partly but if we analyze and contemplate positively then there is a lot to consider of it. Love is a precious gift of god but it can also be venomous if not handled properly. We ought to know how to harness the fruits of love. Only then love will beautify our lives and nourish our hearts. But the paradox is that young lads and laddies are not knowing how to extract the nectar out of the exquisite flower of love. Instead they are getting entrapped and victimized.

Moreover, in today's trendy world with overly fashioned people, those old inspiring adages will no longer hold the truths. Those sacred proverbs are becoming unconvincing and out fashioned. They tend to create their own new versions. If we say, " Educate first, marriage can wait" then they will certainly confute and say just the opposite. Our youth are only concerned about what they can give to their loves and how they can keep their loves happily. And also what their parents and relatives can offer them but never do they think what they can offer their parents.

There are many students who got spoiled owing to love and relationship. Some were prodded to abandon their schools, some were prompted to  commit suicides, while some became parents, monks and nuns etc..They just don't realize that love is just a distraction. Therefore, I would like to solemnly urge my friends to firstly focus on education and become self-reliant and thereafter go for love and marriages, anything you feel like doing.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Can this world will ever be serene and harmonious???

Can this world will ever be peaceful and harmonious? Obviously the answer will be a big 'NO'. I too have an enormous misgivings on this subject. How can this world become secure and peaceful place to live in while there are incessant battles both inside and outside the countries, no trust and faith among the people, where people are being deprived of their human rights and values, where people are being exploited in every possible way? I wonder when this world will be free of all such threats. I think dreaming for the perfect world will remain nothing more than a dream itself. In deed an unfulfilled dream.

If merely good things pervade this world without atrocious stuffs coming its way, then a hope of a world turning into a better one would exist in the mind of people. But in actuality nothing turns out the way we expect. Like an old adage saying' where there is light, there is a shadow, where there is love, there is hatred', good is also always followed by bad. While good people out of their concerns about others' well-being and global peace, strive towards the betterment of a world, those black sheep and villains come as a blockage and jeopardize the peace and harmony of both the people and world, thus making the world an insecure place to dwell in.

Not a single day had I passed without seeing a bad news in every news website I visited. Every time I log in to any news websites I always come across heart-touching news like some people being robbed and murdered, some being rapped and murdered, some being kidnapped, where there were bomb blasts, terrorist attacks, vandalism so on and on that I can't even make a list. But the most astonishing, at the same time the most distressing and embarrassing thing is to come across such bad news occurring in a puny country like Bhutan where its size and population is less than even one state of Indian country.

Therefore, I have a strong conviction that until and unless we have a sense of oneness and respect for one another, this world will never become a peaceful place. The world will remain troubled and chaotic as it was hitherto. So, it would be our forlorn hopes to living in a peaceful world. For a world will never be perfect no matter how hard we endeavor to make it perfect. Nonetheless, we can create our own happiness and smiles despite the world being troublesome and baleful..

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Tedious holidays stultify me..

When there is no any holiday we all have a tendency to complain for not having it and also keep on wishing if there was one. But when we get ample of holidays, we don't know how to spend and again complain for being it tedious. No blame on anyone though. This is the nature of not only me, not only you but everyone. And this is exactly how I am feeling and going through such complaining phase at the moment.

During the academic sessions of the year, I wished if it ended so soon so that I would be free from all regular schedules- going to the class in the morning and sit like a statue, and coming back to the room and slumber like a lazy pig, struggling to complete the assignments on time so on and on. But when it came to an end and given enough holidays to relax and relish the leisure times, I feel like going insane not knowing what to do during such tedious holidays. Now I wish if my next semester starts so soon so that I won't become a sluggard.

Though I do many different things like reading books, watching movies, browsing nets, blogging, room cleaning, cooking etc...none of these things seemed to entice me and invade my boredom. I am just getting tired of all these things. Besides my already becoming lazy, chilly winter makes me even lazier and dampens my mood to doing anything of my interest. So, all I do is eat like a monkey and sleep like a pig. Sometimes I feel lazy even to cook food so that time I try to control my hunger though my stomach keeps on making thunderous sound.

Going out to hang around with friends seems to be a good idea but as I mentioned above, harsh winter weather deters from going out of the bed. It makes me bedridden. Nonetheless now the winter vacation is not far to coming to an end. Perhaps after two weeks, my fourth semester will be commenced. So I am hoping all my holiday moods will be vanished soon after I get into a new academic session of the year 2015. Anyway hope you guys are enjoying your vacation unlike me.

Friday, 2 January 2015

adieu to 2104....

without even noticing how the year 2014 had been in my life, it was quite distressing and regretful to know that finally  it has come to an end. But all I could do was remain helpless. For it can't be restarted anew.. I even got to wonder if I had done anything great in 2014 when I realized that my journey of 2014 had reached to the very tip of the end point. At one point, I tried to console my mourning mind that I should not be bothered by whatsoever I might have done in the past(2014) as the new year 2015 brings another new opportunity, new life, new hope, new luck etc...So with those convincing hopes and prayers,I warmly welcomed the new year 2015.

Now that the new year has already turned two days old, I hope with its each passing day will bring us a smile on our faces, good luck and success in our lives and peace and harmony in the world. With this, I also want to grasp an opportunity to thank those people, especially my friends and relatives for their unwavering love and care, help and supports and for being the best for me. I shall not forget a single good thing you all had done to me and also hope that you all will be doing the same in this new year 2015.

But to those  who I may have wronged, I cross my fingers and knell down before you all, and beg for your forgiveness with the pledges never to repeat again. We might have been both good and bad on each other, we might have exchanged both smiles and frowning at times but lets forget those bitter moments of our lives and let it be taken by the year 2014 along with it and keep with us only those worth-keeping. I also do hope and pray for the things to turn out the way to our expectations in this new year.

Finally, I want to share with you my friends my resolution of the new year 2015. I don't have many resolutions like others may have. But I do have about three new year resolutions. Here they are:

1. To realize the mistakes of 2014 and to correct them all, and never to repeat again.
2. To live in austerity and
3. To be gracious.

So, I am hoping that god will bless me in accomplishing my resolutions without any obstructions..
I herewith bid farewell to 2014 and welcome 2015. Wish you all a happy new year 2015...till then take care and be good...