The street was silent and serene. No people around, no honking of buses and cars, no whistling of traffic polices as we normally would hear. All I could hear and feel was the vague chirping of birds from afar and the chilly breeze of winter striking through my bony face and struggling itself to get through my wavy hair.
The place was all for myself giving me the feeling of being merely myself in the world and the entire world belonging only to me. Even the day was fine with bright sun light, its golden rays giving me the hope of living-living to the fullest embracing and rejoicing all the marvels of a world. On the contrary as I stroll all alone and aimlessly, those plants devoid of flowers and buds and the empty gardens left with remnants of perished flowers once so beautiful and lively, made me miserable and pessimistic realizing the impermanence of life. Yet with heavy heart I continued my stroll.
No destination in particular. No any specific purpose(s) to be accomplished. With no or little hope, I walked along the empty and tranquil street like a carefree child. After few hours of my restless walk, I was quite frazzled as well as lazied by the scorching sun and I resolved to rest for awhile. I lay on the ground stretching whole of my body and breathing in the cool air. I lay faced to the clear blue sky and wished if my God Almighty could bestow me with everlasting felicity.
After reposing for sometime, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated and I got up to get back to my room. As I turned to my way, unbelievably my sight was caught by an enchanting girl just a few meters away from me and to my utter excitement and merriment, she was also heading to the same direction. The way she treads, the way her glossy hair flutters in the cool breeze, her glowing face and her flawless physique trapped me in the trap of love at the first sight. Having seen girl like her, I could not curb my mind because her angel-like beauty bewitched whole of me.
Though I was in confusion and nervousness and at the same time equally excited to the extreme, I gathered all my courage and confidence to utter her a word at least so that I would be satisfied and also ease my overflowing feelings for her. Although my heart was beating as if dying, I obliged myself to converse with her once without fearing the consequences. With blushed face, I paced up my pace and shyly bid her"Hi" and so did she. Further excited by her prompt response, I grasped an opportunity to ask for her contact number and email address. Luckily she gave away as I beseeched. And my mission was accomplished successfully. After sometime we dissipated to our own destination. As soon as I stepped inside my room, I started jumping up and screaming out of joyfulness as if I had won a million worth of lottery.
As I was behaving stupidly and insanely, my friend woke up from his sleep and shouted at me wildly and I was brought back into reality. Only then did I realize that I was day dreaming and it was all my imaginations. Haha........

No destination in particular. No any specific purpose(s) to be accomplished. With no or little hope, I walked along the empty and tranquil street like a carefree child. After few hours of my restless walk, I was quite frazzled as well as lazied by the scorching sun and I resolved to rest for awhile. I lay on the ground stretching whole of my body and breathing in the cool air. I lay faced to the clear blue sky and wished if my God Almighty could bestow me with everlasting felicity.
After reposing for sometime, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated and I got up to get back to my room. As I turned to my way, unbelievably my sight was caught by an enchanting girl just a few meters away from me and to my utter excitement and merriment, she was also heading to the same direction. The way she treads, the way her glossy hair flutters in the cool breeze, her glowing face and her flawless physique trapped me in the trap of love at the first sight. Having seen girl like her, I could not curb my mind because her angel-like beauty bewitched whole of me.
Though I was in confusion and nervousness and at the same time equally excited to the extreme, I gathered all my courage and confidence to utter her a word at least so that I would be satisfied and also ease my overflowing feelings for her. Although my heart was beating as if dying, I obliged myself to converse with her once without fearing the consequences. With blushed face, I paced up my pace and shyly bid her"Hi" and so did she. Further excited by her prompt response, I grasped an opportunity to ask for her contact number and email address. Luckily she gave away as I beseeched. And my mission was accomplished successfully. After sometime we dissipated to our own destination. As soon as I stepped inside my room, I started jumping up and screaming out of joyfulness as if I had won a million worth of lottery.
As I was behaving stupidly and insanely, my friend woke up from his sleep and shouted at me wildly and I was brought back into reality. Only then did I realize that I was day dreaming and it was all my imaginations. Haha........